Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bathtime Breakdown

After AJ woke up this morning, I drew a bath for him and let him play for a few minutes.  He was having a grand 'ol time with all of his toys and was splashing his hands around in the tub, when all of a sudden Mommy brought out the big black box.  His entire demeanor changed and he became cranky AJ.  All I wanted to do was get some cool pics of him splashing in the tub, but instead this is what I got...

Someone wasn't happy when Mommy brought out the camera.

'Stop taking my picture'

'Enough already'

'I just want to take a bath in peace'

A furry friend stopped by for a couple of seconds and AJ stopped fussing.

But once Porter left, it was back to being upset.

'I'm going to leave if you don't stop Mom!'

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