Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sitting on the Potty

Grandma and Grandpa gave AJ a Thomas the Tank Engine potty seat for Christmas and we've had it in the bathroom for a couple of weeks now.  And lately, AJ has been saying 'I pee' so we've decided maybe it's time to introduce the potty to him.  I've tried to have him sit on it a few times but to no avail.  He'll sit for a second or two, then immediately get up.  So, I tried to outsmart him tonight and brought in a secret weapon - Mommy's iPad!  And it worked!  I was actually able to get him to sit on the potty for a few minutes while he played around with baby's first app!  Unfortunately, he didn't push out any pee or poop, but it's a start and I'll take it!

'Hi Mom'

Having fun with Baby's First App and learning about numbers, letters, objects and animals

'A whale goes squiiirt!'


Back to playing!

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