Friday, January 4, 2013

Playdate with Lili and Meagan

I got a text this morning from Meagan asking what we were up to today.  And since both of our schedules were wide open, we opted for a playdate this afternoon after the kiddos got their naps in!

Miss Lili took a liking to the Elmo chair.

She was having a grand 'ole time with Elmo!

But she was waiting for a visitor on the empty Mickey couch next to her.

AJ has arrived!

And he's more interested in the watering can than that cute girl next to him! Silly boy!

Not sure how I got so lucky to catch this shot of him - but what a smile!

Lili started to get a little shy and wanted some Momma loving.

But then she ventured out on her own again...

AJ hopped onto his giraffe and ask Lili if she wanted a ride....

...But she was more interested in stealing AJ's snack cup!

Momma snuggles again.

'Lili, can I have some snacks?'

I don't think Lili wanted to share... look at that face on AJ! 

But they reconciled and shared a high-five!

And even got a little close as they listened to some music on Meagan's iPhone!

Thanks for coming over Meagan and Lili - it had been so long and we loved catching up!

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