Wednesday, January 16, 2013

AJ's First Snowman

We got more snow last night, but this time around it was good snowman-making snow!  So I bundled AJ and myself up and off we went outside on a snowman adventure!

AJ was such a trooper... Before our snowman adventure began, I shoveled the driveway... 

...and he played in the snow!

Nice and clean for when Daddy comes home tonight!

AJ enjoyed the non-slippery driveway!

I even cleaned off Daddy's car for him!

Now onto our snowman adventure!  AJ wasn't all that into making a snowman so while he ran around the yard and tried to use the shovel to clear the already clean driveway, I packed and rolled and assembled our snowman.  I found some sticks for his arms, had AJ bring me some rocks from in front of the garage for the buttons, eyes and mouth and got a carrot from inside (that AJ tried to eat!) for the nose and waaaa-lah - our snowman was complete!!  But trying to get a picture of AJ in front of our snowman - now that was a process!  This series shows exactly how 'easy' it was.... haha!

Take 1...A little too slouchy and not looking at the camera

Take 2...clearly trying to get up from sitting.

Take 3.... almost up!

Take 4.... and he's up!

Take 5... now he's walking away and of course, looking down at the ground.

Take 6... doesn't care that mom is trying to get a picture.

Take 7... Get me out of here!

Take 8... I convinced him to go sit down again, but clearly I forgot the part about look at the camera and don't slouch! haha

Take 9... still looking down. 

Take 10...and there he goes trying to get up again! 

Take 11... and he's off again! 

Take 12... again I convinced him to sit down, but haven't perfected the 'look at mom' thing.

Take 13... WE HAVE A WINNER!!!
AJ and his first snowman!

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