Friday, January 4, 2013

Eighteen Months!

How can our little boy already be eighteen months old?! A year and a half have gone by in what feels like an instant!  These past eighteen months have been such a blessing though.  AJ has transformed from his little bitty baby self into a full blown toddler complete with an adorable smile that will melt your heart.  He's growing by leaps and bounds and his vocabulary is expanding every day.  He now says 'byeeee' and waves his tiny little hands as he is leaving.  He makes the 'mmmm' sound when you ask him if what he is eating tastes good.  He is trying really hard to say Katie and Allie and if you listen closely you can decipher their names.  When you ask him where Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Dziadzi, etc. are and we're all standing in a room, he will point to each individual person.  When he drops something from his high chair, he puts his hands up to his face and makes the Home Alone face.  He loves to wipe his mouth with a towel/cloth after each meal by blotting the towel three times on his lips (thanks Grandma!).  He will yawn on cue if you ask him to (another thanks to Grandma for that one haha!).  He is a master of his shape puzzles and knows exactly where each piece goes.  He's really loving Thomas the Train and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse everything.  He is beginning to understand things when we ask him to do something (i.e. can you please pick up so-and-so).  And he has become super lovey when he is with his new cousins Maddie and Molly and is always wanting to give them kisses and hugs!  (This absolutely melts my heart!)  Although, AJ is not a big fan of Mommy holding Maddie or Molly and not being close to him  - he stays right by my side when I'm holding the babies!  He finally had the chance to play in snow since last year he was so little.  And he even sampled it to make sure it tasted good!  His bond with Timber and Porter is definitely growing stronger - he loves those little guys so much!  AJ's face brightens up the second he sees the cat or dog in the morning and his new thing is to hold onto their tails while he plays with them.  (Timber doesn't seem to mind, but Porter on the other hand - he's not that amused so we're trying to stop that stat!)  Everyday is a new adventure with our little guy and we couldn't be more lucky to have him in our lives!

AJ's stats at his eighteen month appointment were as follows:  He weighed in at 24.4lbs, he's now 33 1/2 inches tall and his head circumference is 48.5cm!  Our little boy is growing!

We didn't have our traditional photoshoot for his monthly birthday - but that's ok because these iPhone photos of AJ with Daddy and Mommy do the trick and show us how much he loves us!

Smile for the camera Buddy!

Hugs for Daddy!

Daddy wanted a kiss but AJ wanted the phone instead!

Bear hug!

Hanging out with my munchkin.

Ok.. so I got one good photo for his monthly photoshoot!
Happy eighteen months Alexander James!

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