Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was a bit of a bust this year.  Our whole family usually goes over to Cioci Kimmy and Uncle Jason's house to have some yummy pizza and then go trick-or-treating on their street.  But because we were had been without power for a few days and didn't know when to expect it to come on again, we made alternate plans.  We still were planning on going to Colchester, but we would be trick-or-treating in a different neighborhood that never lost power (those lucky s-o-b's!).  But luckily for us, right before we headed over to Kimmy's house their power came back on.... so we were able to get ready with lights!  (But because we still didn't have power - AJ was the only who got dressed up this year!)  So nice!  We still kept our original plans of going to the new neighborhood though and it worked out quite well!  There weren't that many trick-or-treaters out and the neighborhood was quite nice!

AJ looked absolutely adorable as a kangaroo again and he totally got the gist of how to trick-or-treat.  I was such a proud Mommy!  Once Katie and Allie would either knock on the door or ring the doorbell and the homeowner opened the door, AJ would go right up to the candy basket and pick up a piece of a candy.  He then would bring it over to me as I was holding his treat bag, drop it in and then he would go back for second's!! He's such a silly roo!  For AJ's first 'real' time trick-or-treating, he totally got it and Mommy and Daddy couldn't be anymore proud of him!

Uncle Jason pulled Allie (Miss Snow White) and AJ (Little Kangaroo) around in the Radio Flyer wagon - they loved it!

Trick or Treat!

AJ going in for some candy!

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