Saturday, October 13, 2012

Let's Take A Ride...

It was unseasonably cold today, but I was determined for AJ to get some fresh air so I bundled him up in his new winter jacket, mittens and hat (courtesy of Baba, thank you!) and off we went outside!  We first went and watched Daddy till the garden.  AJ was mesmorized by Daddy's tractor!

Going one way...

..Now going the other way!

Then we went and played on the playground, but I unfortunately didn't take any pictures of that fun!  (Mommy FAIL!)  AJ was loving the big slide though and couldn't get enough of it! Up and down, up and down he went!  Then I decided it would be fun to take AJ around the yard in the mini utility cart.  I put a blanket down for him to sit on and then covered him with another blanket and off we went!

But first, AJ saw a car!

We went all around the backyard and back to the front, but I had noticed one of the tires badly needed air, so I called in Daddy for reinforcement.  In this pic I had just broken the news to AJ that he might have to vacate the cart.

Daddy decided he needed to test out the cart to see what I was talking about with the tire...

Then... Daddy to the rescue with the mini air compressor we have!  AJ watched for a bit..

..then he supervised Daddy and told him what to do!

Daddy and AJ checking out the fixed tire.

'I don't have to get out of the cart...YES!!!'

Before Daddy was done though, he had to check all the tires.  Isn't this a sweet moment between Father and Son as Daddy was fixing the wheel?!

All bundled up!

This face just cracks me up!

'I'm King of the Utility Cart!!!'

Daddy wanted to test out his work... the wheels were perfect! Thanks Daddy!

Mommy wanted to get in on the fun too!

Being silly!

I could stare at him all day!

Kisses for my sweet little boy!
Our attempt at a family picture with no tripod!

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