Thursday, October 4, 2012


Another month has come and gone and AJ is now fifteen months!  The rate at which he is learning new things amazes me...he really is learning something new every day!  He has had his first cousins bath at Babcia and Dziadzi's house and he actually enjoyed it with a little coaxing from Baba!  She even got him to say the word 'duck'.  He also is saying 'cat', 'dog', 'car' and his favorite right now is 'truck'!  He absolutely loves to watch the cars and trucks go by at my parent's house and point to each vehicle and call out what it is.  His signing improves everyday and he now can sign 'please', 'thank you' and 'eat'.  As I mentioned last month, he understands what we are saying to him for the most part. As an example, when I tell him it's time to change his diaper, he will walk down the hall and into his room knowing that's where his changing table is.  He is learning where some of his body parts are - he will point to his nose and head.  And when you ask him where his tongue is he will open his mouth and stick it out for you - absolutely adorable!  We're in the process of teaching him where his feetsies are now!  AJ is definitely a biter and I'm not too happy about it.  Luckily, he only seems to bite when he is super tired or upset about something and it's only me he bites, but still...  And when I try to discipline him, he laughs in my face, which is super frustrating!  He is really taking a liking to music and is always wanting us to play the CD of kids songs that Devon, Brian and the girls got him for his birthday.  And one of the best sounds I have ever heard has come out of his mouth - he yelled 'Mom' from across the aisle at BJ's when he saw me coming towards him.  My heart absolutely melted!

Our little AJ is definitely not a baby anymore.  He is a fun-sized toddler and is learning to push the limits and develop a personality.  Our baby boy is growing up!  

'Mom, I hear something over there!'

'Now I hear something on the porch'

'Why you pointing that big black thing at me again, Mom?!'

'Hi Dad'... he was up on the porch!

I tried to bribe him to smile for the camera with some goldfish.. it didn't work as you will see!

This picture is totally blurry, but doesn't he look like John Travolta in this pose?!

He wouldn't smile for me, but he did make some silly faces!

'To heck with you mom, I'm gonna go find a leaf!'

'I found one!'

So proud of himself!

'Fine Mom, I'll make eye contact with the camera just this once'

Another blurry one, but look at that face!

Leaf to my face..

My little man looking at me again... how lucky I am!

'Hmm... this is an interesting thing...'

'I'm gonna try to lift it, but it weighs more than me!'

AJ loved the pumpkins!

My little guy and our home-grown pumpkins!

Next it was off to play with some rocks in our backyard

Avoiding the camera still...

Maybe the only smile I was able to capture during this mini photoshoot

More goldfishies!

Dad decided to join in on the fun with AJ

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