Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy and AJ

I got the call on Sunday that work would be closed on Monday and Tuesday as we were expecting Hurricane 'Superstorm' Sandy.  The storm was supposed to be worse than Hurricane Irene with more powerful winds and wind gusts, but less rain.  The damage expected was supposed to be unreal.  Just like last time, we were pretty well prepared for the storm- we filled up the washer and all bathtubs with water, Michael had stopped to get ice for the cooler, we had cell phones charged (and had our handy-dandy Die Hard compressor all charged up to keep our phones charged!) and we had plenty of candles to get us through the dark nights.  Oh and I forgot to mention we had plenty of gas to keep our generator going!     

Michael went in to work in the morning, but by 1pm he was on his way home as the Governor had closed all major roads and highways.  As AJ enjoyed a little bit of tv time in the morning, I got to cooking up some quinoa and sweet potatoes along with some rainbow chip cupcakes.  (I actually had Michael stop for icing on the way home!)  Once Michael got home, we all enjoyed some family time with tv and lights..... 

AJ decided his new toy was the laundry basket...

But then he wanted to escape it.

But then decided he wanted to sit down, take a drink and enjoy some kids tv!

Then he wanted to crawl on Daddy before the lights went out. 

Then the lights went out at 5:20pm.  And that's when the fun began...

AJ decided he would start feeding his big brother his goldfish.

And he didn't even try to hide it from us...

'Oh.. maybe he wants his dog bone instead?!'

Then we noticed something interesting... and we think AJ gets this from his Daddy! AJ took out all of his goldfish and stock-piled them into both of the side compartments of his toy box.  I think he was storing them away so he would have them for later.  Such a silly little thing!

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