Friday, December 30, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cousins Get-Together

While Kristin was in town visiting from CA we all got together for a cousins night at Lauren and Matt's place.  We also had the pleasure of meeting Tom, Kristin's friend.  We all had a fun night and can't wait for our next cousins get-together!

Unfortunately, Katie and Allie were already home and sleeping by this point.  We missed you girls! :(

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After Christmas

Our 4-day Christmas celebration was finally coming to an end and Mommy forgot the camera!  We headed over to Babcia and Dziadzi's house to open presents with them and Cioci Kimmy, Uncle Jason, Katie and Allie.  We all were so lucky and got lots and lots of presents!  Thanks Babcia and Dziadzi!  And thanks to Cioci Kimmy for capturing this one pic of the day of our handsome little boy....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

We always head over to my Cioci Sue and Uncle Steve's house in Oakdale to celebrate on Christmas day and this year was no different.  We packed up all the presents for our extended family and headed on over.  It was a special day too for Alexander because he would be meeting his Auntie Kristin for the first time!

AJ was all smiles from the minute he met Auntie Kristin

With Auntie Kristin and Auntie Lauren

Time to open some more presents

"This wrapping paper is fun!"

The beautiful sign Bobbi made for AJ

Thanks for the presents from Cali, Auntie Kristin!

Me and my little guy with his new activity table

AJ and Daddy were a little tired by the end of the day

Our annual cousins pic

Christmas morning

We woke up on Christmas morning and found all of the presents that Santa had left for us.  It was so fun to open them with AJ - although he was a bit more interested in the wrapping paper than the presents!  We are so excited to be celebrating the holidays this year as a family of three!

Sitting in front of all the presents!

Smiles for Timber, of course!

"Daddy, we have to open all of these?!"

AJ and I with his new drum and glo-seahorse

The drum was a hit!

Just bangin'!

He liked his new turtle too

Sophie the Giraffe tasted yummy

Holding onto his sock monkey 

Daddy and his little man

First family Christmas picture

Santa has arrived!

Santa visited our house late last night and left lots of presents for AJ, Mommy and Daddy!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas with the Brunet's

On Christmas Eve we always head up to JoAnn and Richard's house in MA to celebrate the holiday.  This year was a bit more fun with AJ and JoAnn's grandkids (especially Yoleigh) really took a liking to Michael and myself.  It's been fun watching the kids grow each year and enjoying that Santa comes a bit early to JoAnn's house.

AJ and Auntie Jo

Jo was not setting a good example and had AJ trying to drink her wine! So silly!

Grandpa and AJ

AJ and Grandma

His butt was too cute not to photograph!

Trying to open a present that wasn't his

Auntie Jo helping AJ open the correct present

I think he likes it!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa

Our Christmas celebrations continued at Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight.  We were all showered with gifts and I finally won the guessing game! Go me!

This was part of the pile of presents after we opened a few

...and more presents!

Smiles and a little bit of drool for Grandma

Hanging with my Grandpa

Michael trying to feel what's in the box for the guessing game

Grandpa contemplating his present 

Playing with a new bug keeper

Hi there

The wrapping paper was more fun than the bug keeper

Uh-oh... he got into the ribbon!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Scout time

Cioci Sue bought Scout for AJ when he was born but he was a little too young for him then.  Fast forward to tonight and AJ and Scout are best friends.  We programmed him to say 'Alexander' and that AJ's favorite food is pears, his favorite animal is a dog, and his favorite color is blue.  AJ loves listening to him talk and sing to him.  The smile he gets on his face when playing with Scout is priceless!

Me and my best friend

Kisses for Scout

He's so yummy.. I'm gonna bite him!

"Mom.. enough with the camera already!  I'm trying to play with Scout!"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sitting up!

While I was at work today, Kimmy noticed that AJ sat up by himself for about 30 seconds or so.  (So sad that Cioci Kimmy got to see it first!) When she told me I wasn't all that surprised as I had been working with him to sit in between my legs and have him use his abs to help him to sit upright.  So of course tonight when Daddy got home, we sat AJ down on the floor and helped him into an upright position and bam!! He sat upright by himself for about 3 minutes before toppling over!  We kept doing it over and over again as Daddy and I were so amazed at how big our boy is getting!!  We are so proud of him and he just amazes us with everything he does!

Still a little unsure of this new thing...

"Mom, I got this sitting up thing down!!"

So proud of himself!

"Look Momma & Daddy, no hands!"

Smiles for Momma ♥