Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sitting up!

While I was at work today, Kimmy noticed that AJ sat up by himself for about 30 seconds or so.  (So sad that Cioci Kimmy got to see it first!) When she told me I wasn't all that surprised as I had been working with him to sit in between my legs and have him use his abs to help him to sit upright.  So of course tonight when Daddy got home, we sat AJ down on the floor and helped him into an upright position and bam!! He sat upright by himself for about 3 minutes before toppling over!  We kept doing it over and over again as Daddy and I were so amazed at how big our boy is getting!!  We are so proud of him and he just amazes us with everything he does!

Still a little unsure of this new thing...

"Mom, I got this sitting up thing down!!"

So proud of himself!

"Look Momma & Daddy, no hands!"

Smiles for Momma ♥

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