Our Christmas celebrations started a bit early this year on the 17th with the annual Stravato Christmas party. Dan and Chris and their family open up their home and have a yankee swap that is a bunch of fun! Dan decided to change the rules a bit this year and whoever was gift picker #1 couldn't open their present until the very end of the game after he/she decided to either keep or swap the present. Well, lucky me, I had picked #1 this year! So after talking it over with Michael, I picked one of our gifts from under the tree so I would know exactly what it was and wouldn't have to play a guessing game as to whether I should keep or swap it after everyone had gone. (This idea was not well liked by the crowd as Michael had announced it to everyone that we were doing this - silly Michael!!) Anyways, Michael ended up with a Vera Bradley purse for me and I chose to keep the gift we brought - 3 Rachel Ray brown and serve dishes. All in all, it was a very fun night as usual with the Stravato clan!

Conner, Austin and Cameron enjoying some new Christmas presents
AJ was showing off his Christmas pajamas to everyone
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