Sunday, December 4, 2011

Five Months Old!

Another month has passed by already!  AJ started solid foods this month; he loves pears, sweet potatoes and bananas.  However, bananas don't love him back (hello, constipation!) - my poor little guy.  We also tried avocados, but AJ was not a fan at. all.  He made the switch to size 2 diapers and he now rubs his eyes letting me know he is tired. His personality is really starting to shine through and his smiles and giggles are the best thing I've ever seen/heard.  We've noticed that he really likes to jump up and down while we're holding him and in the exersaucer so we set up the jumperoo.  He absolutely loves it - the smiles on his face while he's jumping are precious.  He continues to amaze us everyday and we can't wait to see what month six has in store for us.

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