Monday, June 27, 2011

39 Weeks

We're almost there!  Nothing much has changed since last week, other than my feet and ankles have returned because I've been on bed rest.  [Who knew the doctor's actually knew what they were talking about?! haha]  One thing I did forget to mention last week though is that my 2-mile daily walks with Timber have ended. [Insert VERY SAD face here] Obviously I can't take him for a walk because of being on bed rest now, but I had stopped about three days before the doc told me to stop because the swelling was so bad that my feet would go numb by the time I was done walking.  Both him and I really miss the walks - it was our bonding time together.  Luckily, Michael's Dad will be home from the European cruise shortly and Timber will be able to get some exercise again.  I feel so bad for the poor puppy... he just lays around and pouts now, but I guess it's also good training for him for when the baby comes because he won't be the center of attention anymore.

My doctor's appointment today had good and not-so-good news.  The good news - my blood pressure has dropped to 136/84 (yay!) so Dr. Brown was pleased even though it's still a bit on the high side.  And I'm just about 1cm dilated.  The bad news - I'm ONLY 1 cm dilated, the baby hasn't dropped and because of my high blood pressure, Dr. Brown wants to induce me next week.  The plan goes as follows if I don't happen to go into labor before next Tuesday:  On Tuesday, I'll go in to have my blood pressure and cervix checked again and the doctor will insert laminaria sticks (aka dried seaweed) into my cervix to hopefully 'ripen' it and speed up the onset of labor.  The following day I'll be admitted into the hospital and will be induced and our little one will make his/her appearance shortly thereafter (hopefully!).

Like I had mentioned in my previous post, I would prefer to go into labor naturally.  However, because my blood pressure is already high I don't really plan on fighting the doctor to let me wait it out.  I would rather ensure both my baby and myself are safe and if that means being induced, then so be it.  And it's not like I have anything else to really compare labor and delivery to.  I have seen a natural birth before without any medication (my gorgeous little niece, Allison) so being induced can't be much worse, right?!  Who knows!  I just want us all to be safe and sound!!

On a random side note - Michael woke up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night last night because he had a bad dream.  His dream included losing me in the delivery of our child.  He was so freaked out about it that I had to calm him down.  I reassured him that everything will go smoothly because I have some awesome doctors who are looking out for me and he was able to go back to sleep.  But seriously...I thought only us pregnant women were the ones allowed to have crazy dreams?!

I know this pic isn't technically correct since part of my face and arm is blown out by the sun, but I like the shadows.  And well, it was just too darn hot to wait around for the sun to move. I wanted to get it over and done with! haha 

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