Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Holy Heat Batman!! - 36 Weeks

This past week has been an absolute scorcher!!  So much so that I even had to not take timber for a walk one of these past days because I was scared both of us would overheat!  The humidity continues to do a number on my facankles and toes and the heat has made me absolutely exhausted.  I'm sort of in nesting mode, but sometimes my exhaustion wins and I just end up sitting on the couch all day.  (Shhh... don't tell Michael this! haha)

As far as our little peanut, he/she continues to be head down and is looking very healthy!  Some days he/she is very active and other days he/she likes to chill out and make mommy very nervous.  The heartbeat is in the 150s and is very strong - yay!  My blood pressure has slightly increased from last time so they have me going back for my next appointment on Monday versus Wednesday - a 5 day period versus 7 days.  The one good thing though is that I don't seem to have any of the other symptoms (i.e. headaches, protein in my urine, etc.) that go along with toxemia.   So for now, I don't mind the frequent trips to the OB's office - I would rather be safe than sorry with our little one!!

Don't pay any attention to the wet spots on my belly - they were from sharing fruit salad with my adorable niece Katie who had just come out of the pool!

Don't mind how I look - I was a complete hot mess in the 90+ degree weather!

1 comment:

  1. I had higher blood pressure with Preston, I am sure it is nothing!! Don't worry about sitting on your butt for a day, you deserve it!!!!
