Monday, July 4, 2011

Welcome to the World Alexander James!

44 hours of labor (including induction).  40 minutes of pushing.  3 doctors.  A bajillion nurses.  Cervidil.  Pitocin. 2 doses of stadol.  An epidural.  And our little one has finally arrived!!!  Alexander James was born on Monday, July 4th at 10:35pm.  7lbs 1oz and 19.5 inches long.

I had started to write out the entire birth story of my little Alexander James, but well, it was just taking me too long and too many people wanted a blog update so I tried to write a quick synopsis of the birth story...

On Saturday night (7/2), I had a really bad headache that wouldn't go away with tylenol (and it didn't help that my restless leg syndrome was acting up).  I called the on-call doctor around midnight about the headache and, finally, around 12:45am Dr. Belcher called me back and told me to come in so she could monitor my blood pressure and check to see if I had preeclampsia.  Well, my blood pressure was through the roof but I still didn't have preeclampsia.  But because it was now my official due date (July 3rd) and I was going to get induced in three days, Dr. Belcher decided to just keep me and start the induction early because there was no point to waiting any longer, especially since I wasn't feeling 100%.  The induction began around 5:30am on Sunday morning with cervidil, continued on with pitocin around 8:30pm that same day, was helped with an epidural on Monday around 8pm, and ended with our precious Alexander James (HOLY CRAP - it's a boy!!!) arriving at 10:35pm on Monday night.  It was a long 44 hours, but I wouldn't change it and I would do it all over again.  Our little boy is absolutely perfect and we couldn't ask for anything more!!!  We love you Alexander! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hands down best reaction to a birth I've witnessed- it's a boy!.... HOLY CRAP! Priceless, simply priceless, lol :)
