Monday, June 30, 2014

Cousin Corn Lunch

Just hanging with his cousins and enjoying some corn on the cob.


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Jeeps, T-Ball and Chalk, Oh My!

It was a beautiful day out and I couldn't resist taking the kiddos outside to get some fresh air.  We broke out the jeeps, the t-ball set, the exersaucer for Miss Chloe and the big purple ball.  We even did a little bit of drawing with sidewalk chalk on the driveway!  AJ absolutely loved learning how to hit the ball and see how far it would go on the driveway/yard.  He also enjoyed having an audience of his little sister and Mommy cheering him on!

[I love the continuous shutter on my iPhone - it makes for great action shots!  So expect to be inundated with lots of 'ready, set, go' pics of AJ learning how to play t-ball!]

Setting it up

Good hit buddy!

He's so strong he hits the base and makes it fall over! 

Winding up...
..and almost contact...

...he did it!
A different angle.

He hits....

He scores!

Woohoo Bud!  

Look at that wind-up!

..and the follow-through...

I think we might have a professional t-ball player on our hands!

There's nothing special about this picture, but I just love it.  My little guy...

Back at it!

'Mom, stop taking so many pictures!'

'I told you to stop!' 

Taking a bathroom break inside..with the cheese head, of course!  

Chloe enjoyed watching her big brother. 

He hits, he scores!

Play time for our little girl!

'Oh wow, look at that hit!'

Back to my playtime though...

'Hi Mom!'

Can you tell AJ wasn't into taking a picture with Mommy?!

Enjoying the view of my kiddos and the beautiful day.

I love the look on Chloe's face.. 'Wait a minute big bro, that's my seat!'

'Ahh, nevermind, back to playing!'

I even let Timber outside on the porch off the leash 
so he could partake in the outside time.

Loving life.

Fun with bouncing the purple ball. 

Our handsome furry first born.

I think someone was a bit tired from all of his outside fun.

Cheese Head

Daddy brought back AJ a cheese head hat from Wisconsin.  I think it's safe to say he loves it!