Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cosmic Run

Tonight Carrie and I drove up to Rentschler Field for the Cosmic Run 5k.  We were super excited about it, but not so excited about the freezing cold weather!!  It had great potential - it was kind of like the Color Me Rad 5k I did last year, but was at night time and had black lights and glow in the dark color stations.  But unfortunately, I'm not sure if it was poor planning or just volunteers who got a bit excited during the beginning, but by the time we got to the color stations all of the glow powder was already gone.  Such a bummer.  And then the course was a bit muddy and rocky and absolutely did a number on my feet.  And lastly, the finish was so anti-climatic because there was no actual finish line - just a tent-type thing where everyone was gathering under to take pictures.  The one awesome thing about the 5k though was the loud electronic dance music - it was great jogging/walking to the EDM - it kept our spirit levels up even though we were a bit disappointed with the whole event.  We're not sure if we'll do it again or not....  Like Carrie and I said - AWESOME idea, terrible execution!

At the end of the day though, it was nice to be able to get out for a few hours with a great friend and then go out to dinner afterwards in Manchester!

Waiting at the start line

Along the 5k route, the woods were lit up with fluorescent lights... it was really neat!

At one of the black light stations where there was supposed to be glow powder, 
but alas there was none.

Walking through the stadium

The 'finish line' area

Cool electronic dance music concert to top off the 5k

Too bad we took the picture and then headed out to dinner instead!

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