Friday, April 25, 2014

New Pediatrician

We met with Dr Kumar for Chloe's 6 month appointment today. Despite a rough morning of running late because I didn't hear the alarm, accidentally shutting AJ's fingers in the downstairs door and then Chloe spitting up as I buckled her in the car seat, we made it to her 9:30am appointment on time!  Dr. Kumar has some big shoes to fill since we had to leave Dr Long because of his retirement, but I think he can do the job! He's a very nice, soft spoken man and he seems to love working with the kiddos.

For her six month check-up, Dr. Kumar said Chloe is perfect! She weighed in at 13lbs 9.25oz and is 26 inches long. Our baby girl is growing up fast!  He suggested we get a second opinion on the removal of her beauty mark on her leg and is giving us a referral to a pediatric dermatologist, Dr. Chang in West Hartford.  He was really great with Chloe and AJ too (although AJ tried to hide from him the entire time he was in the room with us!).  Miss Chloe wasn't too happy with Louise who gave her three shots and neither was AJ.  After she had given Chloe the first two shots, AJ told her to stop hurting his Chloe. It made me proud to know he was looking out for her and to see how compassionate he is for her well-being. 

Although it's going to take some time for us to get adjusted to a new doctor, I think we'll be happy with Dr. Kumar at Marlborough Pediatrics. Thanks Auntie Lauren for the recommendation!

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