Sunday, April 6, 2014

Checking The Yard Out

We finally had a beautiful day out today after the horrendous freezing weather we've been having lately.  It was about 60 degrees out with a bright blue sky and the sun shining.  Once we got back from swim class and AJ realized how nice it was outside, he didn't want to go back inside.  Daddy took out his powerwheels Jeep for him and let him ride around for a bit - he was in heaven!!  And then Daddy was riding around on the tractor doing some yardwork so of course AJ had to have a ride.  Daddy took him down by the pond where he saw some of the fishies, he had a look at the garden and then it was back to the house.  I can't wait until we have more gorgeous days so Mr. AJ (and even Chloe) can get some fresh air and run off all that pent up winter energy!

Taking a looksie at the garden

Tractor ride!

'Hi Mom!'

So excited AJ is still waving even though he's passed by me!

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