Sunday, March 30, 2014

Buddies and Babies

Buddy and I were finally able to schedule a visit with each other to have our little girls meet.  (AJ stayed home with Daddy for a boys day!)  Sadie was born on November 30th so she's about a month younger than Chloe, but you definitely wouldn't know that by the looks of the two when we put them next to each other - Sadie is just a tad bit bigger!!  The girls were absolutely adorable together and loved having playtime on their tummies.  Chloe was quite vocal and was squealing and trying to talk to Sadie, while Sadie was thinking 'what the heck is this girl being so loud for?'  I can't wait to have a girls day again so Buddy and I can catch up and the girls can play!

Our two adorable little girls

Having some tummy time

Love this one!

Checking each other out!


Girl talk!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chloe's First Swim Class - Spring Swimester 2014

Chloe got to experience her first swim class today!  It was a bit chaotic because it was also AJ's first time being on his own in swim class and he wasn't a fan of not being with Mommy.  Lots of tears were shed by both Mommy and AJ, but Chloe was a trooper and loved the pool!  Luckily for Mommy, Cioci Kimmy and Maddie were in the parent-tot class with Chloe and so I had a little bit of help to calm me down and let me know that it was okay for AJ to cry it out.  And when I say cry it out, I mean he cried and screamed so loud for everyone to hear him in the pool area.  It ended up that we only kept him in the pool for about  fifteen minutes in class because we didn't want to traumatize the poor kiddo on his first day of being by himself in the water.  

Hanging out with big cousin, Allie before swim started

Not so sure about what is about to happen with going in the water alone...

Chloe's first time in the pool!  She was such a good girl and absolutely loved the water! YAY Chloe!

Trying It Out

Due to a recall on Graco's harness buckles, we were able to 'return' both of our Graco convertible carseats to Target and get a credit that we could use towards new seats.  This is a win-win for us: we are able to get new seats with the correct harness buckles and we'll now have seats that will last us longer because they will be newer.  Yay! We decided to get another convertible carseat, but this time we went for one that had a little bit of purple in it for when Chloe gets bigger (yay for no more gender neutral colors!) and got Mr. AJ a forward-facing harnessed Nautilus 3-in-1 seat that he can use for a while.  We ended up only having to pay a little bit out of pocket once we traded in the old seats so we were quite excited!  On the other hand, AJ wasn't too excited that we had to fit him for his new seat this morning! 


Saturday, March 22, 2014

4B Fest

Michael and I, along with Lauren and Matt and Michael's co-worker Josh and his fiance, Kim all met up with another of Michael's co-workers, Scott and his wife, Terri for an evening at the First Annual 4B Fest in New Haven.  What is the 4B Fest, you ask?  Only the coolest festival consisting of beers, bacon, bourbon and barbeque!  We had high expectations of the fest and they weren't exactly meet all the way, but we had great company so it was a fun night all around!  Michael participated in a bacon eating contest - his favorite thing in the world and we came home with a couple dozen cupcakes that were adorned with bacon.  I'd say it was a win-win all around!


Five Months

Our little one is showing more of her personality day after day!  The smiles and giggles she gives us make my heart absolutely melt.  She has found two fingers on her left hand (pointer and middle) that comfort and soothe her and she uses them like a pacifier.  I've tried to get her to use a paci instead, but she just isn't having it.  (I won't lie, Momma is a little bummed she's not a thumb-sucker like I used to be!) Miss Chloe is just like her big brother and loves all the food we give her!  So far she has tried pears, sweet potatoes and plums and she loves every last bit of them!  It's so funny when we feed her because she opens her little bird mouth up, we put the spoon in and in just two seconds she is ready for another bite - it's like she can't get enough!  But now that she has had a taste of yummy real food, she is refusing the bottle altogether.  We're trying to get her to use a sippy cup, but have not had any luck yet..maybe by month six we'll have some luck!   She loves to chatter and talk to me right before she goes to bed.  I'll put her on the changing table and while I'm getting her dressed for bed she just goes to town talking to me and smiling.. it's one of my favorite parts of the day!  She's experiencing lots of new things - sitting in a high chair, playing in the exersaucer, having her big brother try to smother her with kisses and hugs!  Over the past month, AJ has become so much more interested in Chloe and she is loving the attention.  Every night before bed he gives her a kiss and hug goodnight and she gets such a huge smile on her face.  I cannot wait to see the bond these two have as they grow up!

Happy five months, Chloe Kathleen; Mommy, Daddy and AJ love you!


That smile!



Those big bug eyes!




'What do you mean I can't eat my foot?'



She was seriously trying to eat that foot of hers!


Friday, March 21, 2014