Friday, February 28, 2014

Helping Daddy

AJ was Daddy's big helper tonight while he was making sweet potatoes for Chloe.

Big Girl

My big girl survived her shots today at her four month appointment!


Dr. Long gave us the go-ahead to start Miss Chloe on solids.  So when we got home, I broke out the oatmeal and some of my milk and made a slurry for her.  She quite enjoyed it and I have a feeling solid foods are going to be a big hit with our little girl!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sevigny Stories

  • After I put both kids in the van tonight, I got in and put my foot on the brake and the van shut off ( Ihad used the car starter from inside since it's so cold out)... Cue AJ saying 'oh come on Mom, now we have to start DVD from beginning'. Really kid?! Really? I'm sorry to have interrupted your viewing of Finding Nemo! So silly.. He had me cracking up!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Not-So-Useful Swing

Miss Chloe is still not a big fan of the swing.  I'm not sure if it's the motion or the air in her face or what, but she does not like being in the swing.  We're getting ready to get rid of the swing, but I figured I would try one last time to see if she liked it.  The answer was a big fat no!

Swaddle Bug

Our sweet little girl still loves to be swaddled during sleepytime!


Chloe is digging the new monkey lovey that Aunt Kathy and Uncle Steve from Virginia got her!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pretty Kitty

Don't mind the shadow on his body.. that's just my iphone taking the picture!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Foxy Fellow

AJ still loves the song 'What Does the Fox Say?' by Ylvis and this outfit perfectly reflects his love for it!

Yes, those are foxes on his shirt! 

Looking all GQ for the camera!

Contemplating life! 


Playing with my new toy

It tastes yummy!

Hello there!

Four Months

Our little girl is growing so fast!  She is already starting to grasp onto things, especially Mommy's hair (ouch!) and toys hanging from her playmat. She now holds onto her little Sophie the giraffe and can sometimes even get it to squeak! She has found her giggles and loves to giggle when I kiss the side of her left cheek or when I run my finger down her face and onto her belly.  The drool factor is becoming quite large these days!  Chloe is still definitely a momma's girl (anbd I won't lie, I love it!).  As Dziadzi explains it, there is a switch that goes on and off when Mommy comes around.  She is a champion morning napper with naps that last about 3 hours on average.  My little girl indeed does have a dimple!!  It may be small, but I have found one!!! :)  Even though she is still a bit fussy, she smiles a lot and has found her voice.  Listening to her coo makes my heart melt.  She is just like her brother in his early days and the second the car stops, cue the crying!  I remember I would dread red lights when I was travelling with AJ - and yup, it's the same with Chloe! haha But no matter whether she is crying, cooing or content - our little girl is adorable and getting so big!!

Her four month stats are: 11lbs 4oz.  25 inches long with a head circumference of 41cm.  In the last two months she has only gained 2oz, so per Dr. Long's orders - we are starting Miss Chloe on solid food!  (We didn't meet with Dr. Long until the 28th, so the food posts will be coming in March!)

[I tried so hard to get pictures of Chloe on her belly, but she refuses to stay upright...she always roll right over to her back! It's near impossible to get her on her belly!!]















Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snowy Snow

It's been a brutal, snowy winter.  With Chloe being so young, we've stayed inside most of this winter and I haven't been into taking too many snow pictures outside because I'm just sick of it.  But I decided today I should at least try to document the snow so both AJ and Chloe can see how crazy tall the snow was this here we go....






