Saturday, November 30, 2013

Marcus & Riley's 2nd Birthday

Leanne so graciously invited us to her twin boys, Marcus and Riley's second birthday party along with Cioci Kimmy and the girls!  She had a performer come in who was interactive with the kids and sang songs and got them up dancing!  The kiddos loved it!

Chloe slept through it all with Cioci Kimmy

I love Maddie's expression!

Katie was rockin' out!

Ready To Go

All packed up in the carseat and ready to go to a birthday party!

Someone Was A Bit Tired...

As we were getting ready for a birthday party this afternoon, I had finished my make-up and went out to the living room to nurse Chloe before heading out.  AJ had been with me in the bathroom before I went to nurse and I thought he had come with me.  But after a few minutes of nursing Chloe, he was nowhere to be found so I went to look for him.  This is what I found....  I think someone was a bit tired after all his dino fun this morning.


It was a morning of dinosaur fun for AJ since he discovered the tub of dinosaurs I was hiding from him! haha

Checking out one of the dinos from the tub I was hiding from him...

Uh oh.. I caught you! 

Lining them all up..

You can never have too many dinosaurs!


Chloe was oblivious to all of this... she was snoozing away!

Friday, November 29, 2013

These Two...

These two kiddos together melt my heart.  AJ has really been embracing his role as big brother and we couldn't be happier with him adjusting to life as a big brother.

Me and my girl

Naptime for Mommy and Chloe

We went over to Baba and Dziadzi's today to eat some yummy leftovers from Thanksgiving, but instead I got to take a nap with my little girl.  It was so refreshing to actually nap with her while Baba and Dziadzi watched AJ for me. It was some much needed rest for Momma after the past month of many newborn sleepless nights!


My Little Thinker

If the Shoe Fits...

..wear it!  Little man wearing Mommy's crocs

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

The group!  We have an addition this year - Nom, GG's live-in aide!

Our sweet little family!

I love how AJ is trying to calm Chloe down with his finger... what a good big brother!

It was a tough day for Miss Chloe.  Not exactly sure what's going on, but she's been quite fussy.  Luckily we were able to get her to calm down and get some rest.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hanging with Porter

As I was nursing Chloe, I looked up and saw AJ sitting next to Porter on AJ's Mickey sofa.  How adorable is this?!


The pics are a little blurry, but look at how strong my little girl is...her neck muscles are getting so strong!


Monday, November 25, 2013

She's a Tough One

Chloe's newborn sleepiness stage is starting to wind down a little bit and she's becoming more awake and alert these days.  She also is a little tough to please as well... Poor little thing!

Welcome Present

Michael's friend Jack and his wife Alicia and daughter Irie sent Chloe this awesome onesie as welcome to the world present! So cute! Thanks guys!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Passed Out

Someone was a bit tired after all the fun he had with his cousins today at Dziadzi's birthday lunch that he didn't even get to eat dinner before he fell asleep!

Fire & Ice 60th Birthday Celebration

We took Dziadzi out to Fire and & Ice this afternoon for a birthday lunch.  We've been promising him since oh, I don't know..maybe 2001 that we would take him there and today was the day!  Since we were celebrating his 60th birthday we were super sneaky and had the waitresses bring out a birthday dessert and sing to him!  He wasn't so pleased with us! haha

After lunch we decided we were going to go to The Cheesecake Factory to pick up some yummy cheesecake and head back to Babcia and Dziadzi's house so the kiddos could play.  We packed up everything and went to change the kiddos diapers and then we ran into a problem.  I let AJ have too much juice and didn't change his diaper in time so he had a little bit of wet pants... So we improvised! We used Chloe's blanket and wrapped it around him until we were able to get to Cioci Kimmy's car to get a spare pair of pants (Mommy fail on my part - I didn't have an extra pair of pants for little boy!).  Once we changed him into Allie's spare pair of jeans, we were off to get our yummy cheesecake!  Unfortunately, I didn't even think to take a picture of AJ in Allie's jeans... but I do have documentation of no-pants-AJ! haha

Look at those little legs and boots! So cute! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

I Think I See A.....!

It may be tiny.. but it's there!

Shake that bum-bum!

I can't remember exactly what we were doing, but I told AJ to dance and shake that little butt of his and this is what I got.....  So stinkin' adorable!

One Month Outtakes!

My little girl wasn't always my biggest fan during her one month photoshoot!






She loves to stick out that tongue of hers!

And there it is again!


One month!

Our precious little girl is one month old today! I'm not even sure how that happened, but it did! Life with two kiddos is quite crazy, but so worth it. I couldn't imagine my life any other way. In Chloe's first month of life, she has already mastered rolling over from her belly to her back.  Needless to say, belly time is quite comical since she basically refuses to stay on her belly.  She has pretty strong neck control already and is pretty good at keeping her head upright when I prop her up or for the short time she is on her belly.  Her eyelashes have started to come in and she now has tears when she cries. She's my little one-eyed bandit - always keeping one eye open!  She doesn't seem to mind having baths as she actually calms down when I pour warm water on her belly.  She always has the hiccups, just like her big brother did.  Chloe has already been to another state - MA - for when we bought AJ's big boy bed. She's had her share of poopsplosions!! And AJ and I have already taken her on her first walk with Timber.  She also has survived many photo sessions, which she will continue to have to endure as she gets older!

Chloe Kathleen - this first month with you has been so awesome.  We are so excited for the upcoming months to watch you grow and explore the world around you.  We love you sweet little girl!















Big yawn!





'Mom.. I'm one month already!'

'...and I'm done!'