Monday, November 4, 2013

Heart to Heart at Yale Cardoiology

This morning Daddy and I took Chloe to her appointment down at the Yale Pediatric Cardiology center at Yale New Haven Children's Hospital while AJ stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa.  Today is the day that we would get more deffinitive answers on her small muscular VSD.  When we first got there Chloe went in for an EKG which would she would not stop hiccuping through!  The nurse told us to make sure we told the Doctor that she was hiccuping throughout the entire test so he would know why there was a bit of abnormal activity! Once that test was over she immediately went in for her second echocardiogram (her first was when she was only a day old at Backus).  During the test I was able to feed her a bottle and after that she was asleep for the rest of the exam.  The test lasted probably about 45 minutes or so and it was very in depth and I only wish I knew what I was looking at on the various screenshots.  It was super neat to see all the various interworkings of her heart.  One of the first things the techs told us though while she was doing the ultrasound of Chloe's heart was that the muscular VSD was so small that it will definitely close on its own and she shouldn't have any problems with it.  What a huge relief it was to hear from her, but of course we still wanted to hear that from the doctor's mouth too.  Once the echo was done we went back out into the waiting room and from there it seemed like forever until we got to meet with the doctor.

We finally got called in and we met with Dr. William Hellenbrand.  One of the first things he told us was that we have nothing to be concerned about with her small muscular VSD because it is exactly that - a small hole which should close on its own and present no medical problems whatsoever.  He went into more detail about the muscular VSD and answered all questions we had without us even asking.  He was so thorough and so positive about the hole closing on its own that we felt 100% comfortable leaving there knowing our sweet baby girl was/is going to be okay.  We have a 6-month followup appointment scheduled in April and as long as that check-up shows no other issues, Chloe will be cleared with a clean bill of health!

After her appointment, Daddy and I swung over to Ted's Restaurant in Cromwell for my first steamed cheeseburger and Chloe slept like an angel the entire time.  We sure did have a lot of celebrate that day - our sweet baby girl is healthy!!

Waiting in the waiting room after both the EKG and echocardiogram.

Our sleeping little angel.

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