Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blood Blister AJ

Today was the day I was going to call Vanguard and rollover my 401k from my previous job at CCR.  I made sure Chloe was sound asleep and AJ was content and I made the phone call.  Well, AJ decided he wanted to go downstairs for a bit and play since some of his toys are down there.  No big deal - he does this all the time and I will go down and check on him randomly to make sure he is ok.  Of course today had to be different...because I was on the phone, I got caught up with the conversation and wasn't able to go check on him as much as I normally do.  And then I heard a screaming cry - I knew something was wrong.  So I told the lovely woman I was speaking with that she had to hold on for a minute because my son had hurt himself.  All I knew was that I saw a little bit of blood on his finger and he wouldn't stop crying.  I tried to calm him down and get him to tell me what happened, but he was so upset and just kept balling his eyes out.  I finally got him to calm down with lots of hugs and kisses and he showed me his finger, which looked like this:

His poor finger has an icky blood blister on it.  I finally was able to finish my phone call, but of course not before Chloe woke up so chaos was all around me.  But once I was off the phone and I got Chloe to calm down I was able to ask a calm AJ what happened.  He told me he hurt his finger on the elliptical downstairs.. I'm not exactly sure how he did it because he does like to go around it and play on it - but somehow he must have gotten his finger caught somewhere between something.  I guess that is the last time I leave him unattended playing downstairs!  With a little love, attention and an ice pack, AJ's finger was recovering well from the accident!  I can only imagine that this is only the beginning for injuries for my sweet AJ...  God help me! haha

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