Wednesday, November 6, 2013

First Bath

I gave Chloe her first real bath today - her umbilical cord had fallen off and it was time!  I also decided to do it on my own while Michael was at work because sometimes the nights can be crazy... Well, I'm not sure if that was such a good idea!  There was lots of crying on Chloe's part, AJ helped pour water on Chloe but then ran away crying because he thought he had hurt her because she was crying, and then there was poop.  Lots. of. Poop.  As I was washing her off to get out of the bath, I noticed there was some poop in the water so I made sure to get some fresh water to rinse her with.  No big deal - I can handle a little poop in bath water.  Well, once that was all taken care of I began to lift her out of the tub and into her towel and that's when it happened.  Poopsplosion. Poop was everywhere.  Luckily my mom was home from work and she came over to help me out and clean up (thanks Babcia!!).  But I guess I learned my lesson for giving Chloe her first bath all by myself... she showed me who is boss!!

At first, the bath was going well...

Then crying ensued...

..and continued...

...still crying...

Before the massive poopsplosion!

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