Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nice Day for a Walk

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and it was a beautiful day for a walk with my boys!

My smiley little man!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Watermelon Mess

Grandpa brought over some watermelon this week and AJ has been going to town with it.  He absolutely loves it!  Too bad he absolutely loves getting it in his hair and everywhere else too!!
'What? It's not a big deal that I just dumped out all of my watermelon from my bolw!'



Enjoying the watermelon

See the seeds in his hair?!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Standing Up

I turn my back for a few seconds and this is what I find when I turn around.  Little bugger!

Just looking around!

'Oh man.. she saw me standing!'

'Maybe I can get away with it!'

'I'll just give her a big 'ol smile!'

'No? Not working... Ok, I'll sit down!'

Dancing to his own beat

Just a cute little video of our munchkin doing his own thing...

Cluck & Learn Barn

I was so proud of AJ tonight when I saw him putting the balls into the chicken - what coordination he has!! He's a smart little boy!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


A little 'after-the-party' shot with two cuties!

My Surprise 30th Party!

Everyone in our family has had a surprise 30th birthday party so I figured my hubby or sister would throw one for me as well.  (I might have demanded one too - but who's really asking?!)  I was told to not snoop around and to just let the little elves do their work.  Well, when my actual birthday came around and there was no party, I figured it had to be either the next day or the day after that.  I had a feeling my 5k race put a dent in their plans when trying to plan it so they would have to have it the day after my birthday because they wouldn't want me eating lots of cake before the race! And I was right!  Sarah had come down the night before and stayed over, then we did the race and came back to our house to shower up and hang out before she headed back to MA for the night.  After getting cleaned up from the race, Sarah and I headed over to my parents house where AJ was because Michael supposedly was helping my cousin Matt stain his deck.  The plan was Sarah was going to say goodbye to AJ and go back to MA. But, surprise surprise - there were a whole lot of cars in my parents driveway - my surprise party was today! YAY!!  I had so much fun seeing all my friends and family - I couldn't have asked for a better day!  (Those downpours could have stayed away - but other than that - the day was perfect!)  Thanks to my hubby and family for throwing it for me! :)

Unfortunately we didn't take a lot of pictures today - shame on us! - but the ones we have show we had a good time!

Some of my girls met me when I got out of my car

AJ got to wear my 30 glasses for a quick second!

Auntie Lauren and AJ

Yummy cake by The Cake Lady, again

Loving the palm trees and turquoise waters on my cake!

AJ hanging out with Cioci Sue, but wanting Mommy of course! 

Michael had a tough time trying to light the candles, he eventually had to shield them from the wind with his hands or else they wouldn't stay lit!

I think they had already blown out before I had the chance to blow them out!

Yay - I did it - I'm 30!

Buddy and AJ

Color Me Rad 5k!

About a month and a half ago, my friend Meagan signed up for the Color Me Rad 5k in Hartford and I saw a link to it on facebook and was intrigued by it.  It was a race where you start out with a white shirt and then get color bombed with colored cornstarch while running the race so you come out looking like a tie-dyed crazy person!  I had been wanting to do a 5k for a while now, but no race really sparked my interest as I hadn't had the time to formally train for one.  So when I saw this Color Me Rad 5k, it looked like a lot of fun with all of the color stations and no timing as to when one finished.  It was more about having fun than really being a race - and that's exactly what I was looking for!  So, I signed up for it.  And in the process of signing up I noticed it was perfect timing - the race was the day after my 30th birthday and I couldn't imagine a better start to a new decade than with a splash of color from the Color Me Rad 5k!

Unfortunately, I don't have any before pictures but just imagine us with pure white shirts!

Running to the finish line with my orange color packet in hand

Sarah came down from MA to do the race with me.  Thanks Buddy! :)

I was color bombed!

We survived and crossed the finish line!

Meagan and her hubby, Nick

Silly posing!

I'm the big 3-0

My sunglasses (provided by Color Me Rad!) were pretty rad with orange color


We did it!! So much fun!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Big 3-0!

I turned 30 today!  It wasn't an earth shattering day at all - actually it was pretty low key - I hung out with AJ and had my family over for some yummy chinese food for dinner and then cake from The Cake Lady for dessert.  I will say that my hubby bought me some beautiful diamond earrings and I got some other good loot as well.  

The delicious cake

Blowing out the candles was a process, but I had AJ and Katie helping me, thank goodness!

After thinking about it for some time - I think I'm ok with being 30.  I'm where I want to be in life - I have a husband who loves me unconditionally, I have a son who is my entire world, I have an awesome family who is always there for me and great friends to share memories with.  What more could a girl want?!  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stars Wars Toys!

While visiting World of Disney at the Marketplace in Florida, Daddy picked up some Star Wars toys for AJ to play with in the bath.  When he first presented them to me to purchase for AJ, I rolled my eyes and said 'I don't get the hype over Star Wars', but Daddy insisted that AJ HAD to have them.  So tonight when we got home, we drew a bath for AJ, threw in the toys and I was hoping he wouldn't like them just to prove a point to Daddy.  But alas... he did.  Darnit!  I think you can tell how much he likes them by his smile below!

Playing with his new Star Wars and Nemo toys

Our Vacation House

While down in Florida, we stayed in a vacation rental by owner that my parents had found on  They did a darn good job on finding a beautiful place and we were so lucky to have stayed there!

The front door from the inside

The family area as soon as you walk into the house on your left

The tv room right next to the kitchen

Another view of the tv room

Kitchen with the breakfast nook

Full view of the kitchen

The breakfast nook

The formal dining area - this is where we had our laptops 

The downstairs bedroom  (Dziadzi and Babcia's bedroom)

Downstairs bathroom

The game room right off of the laundry room (it's the garage too!)

Another view of the game room

When you walk out of the kitchen, this is what you see!

The pool had a little jacuzzi area

The overhang provided us some shelter from the few rainstorms we experienced down there.  The little table and chairs were also a big hit with the girls!

Full view of the pool and jacuzzi

The Princess room (Katie and Allie's room)

Another view of the Princess Room

Master Bedroom to the right when you walked upstairs (Kim and Jason's room)

Kim and Jason's Master Bathroom

Kids Bathroom upstairs (the kids bath bathroom)

The extra bedroom where AJ slept in his pack-n-play

The boys bedroom (Aj didn't sleep here because it was further away from our bedroom)

The mural on the wall in the boys bedroom

Our bedroom for the week

Our bathroom attached to the bedroom

Wasn't it a gorgeous house?  We were soo lucky to have stayed there!