Friday, May 4, 2012

Ten Months!

My little guy is finally crawling!  He motors around the house and gets in to everything!  His new favorite thing is to crawl up to the television in the living room and knock down all the DVDs [see the pics below]!  He's only 10 months and he's already making Momma clean up after him - oh boy!!  He is becoming so talkative and says 'ba ba', 'yeah yeah yeah' and the latest is 'ra ra ra' like a cheerleader.  I even sometimes hear a 'na na' so maybe 'ma ma' is on the horizon?!  He pulls himself up onto everything that he can, including the crib so Daddy had to lower the crib to its lowest setting because our little one is so tall!  He no longer lays still for a diaper change which makes it a challenge to get a clean diaper on him.  His 7th tooth has started to cut through on the bottom so now he has 4 on top and 3 below.  And AJ loves to 'hit' things or 'play the drums' on everything especially the trash can.  He loves the sounds he can make with his hands!  He just amazes both myself and Daddy so much on a daily basis.  Our little munchkin is the best!

This is the only good one I got of him on his back - he wouldn't lay down!

Haha Momma - I'll sit up for you though!

Assuming the crawling position towards the television and DVDs

Going after the DVDs

Back to playing with his toys for now

'I don't want you to take any more pictures of me'

'I'll smile one last time for you!'

He pulls himself up onto everything

I just love this side angle of him

'Still taking pictures?'

Back to the DVDs he went

'What?! I didn't do anything!!'

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