Saturday, April 16, 2011

Goodbye for Now

Tonight our family celebrated my cousin Lauren's 30th birthday with a surprise party at her and her husband's house.  I will spare you the picture of Lauren's shocked and surprised face (she might kill me if I post the pic since this blog isn't private yet!), but needless to say, Lauren had NO CLUE what she was walking into when she got home from shopping at the Wrentham Outlets.  She was quite surprised  to see about 35 or so friendly faces in her house which, of course, then prompted her to ask her husband if he had cleaned the house! Too funny!

Tonight was a lot of fun, but it had a bittersweet ending.  This party was also the last time that we would all be seeing my other cousin Kristin for quite some time.  Kristin is moving to San Diego after having accepted her dream job as an occupational therapist at a hospital.  I will admit that I am super excited for Kristin to start her new job and I wish her all the best.  But there is a part of me that is being very selfish and doesn't want her to leave CT.  See, we all grew up together - Kimberly, Lauren, Kristin and myself - we've shared many laughs (who stole the keishka, someone call the cops!), embarassing moments (barbie dream house) and lots of fun times (george bush and saddam hussein)!  And I want us all to continue to grow up together, but her moving to San Diego is kind of putting a kink in that plan.  It hit me pretty hard on Saturday night that she was leaving for good.  I shed an enormous amount of tears, which I only partly blame on the pregnancy hormones (even though Kristin believes it's all due to my hormones because I cried when I saw Goofy at Magic Kingdom too!), but I'm really going to miss her!  We hope Kristin will eventually make her way back to CT sometime in the near future, but for now, we wish her good luck in her new adventure.

Kristin - It won't be the same around here without you.  Timber and I will miss our play dates with you and Quincy. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. aww thanks so much! how sweet! Even though I don't want you to be sad, it means a lot that you care! I'll miss you too and love you too!!
