Wednesday, April 27, 2011

30 Weeks!

Wow - only 10 more weeks to go!  I met with one of the midwives on Monday and everything continues to look good.  My blood pressure is fantastic at 96/76 (considering what it was in the very beginning.. everyone is ecstatic it's so good!) and the baby's heartbeat is hovering around 135-140 beats per minute.  The little one has finally made his/her way up to the upper part of my uterus and likes to make his/her presence known to mommy all the time! I'm loving it!

My mom finally got to see the baby move yesterday!!  We were sitting down watching tv when I told my mom to watch my belly as the little one had been moving up a storm.  And almost as if on cue, the baby moved and my mom got to see my belly go up and down! So exciting! :)