Saturday, May 31, 2014

Birthday Party

We went over to Cioci Kimmy and Uncle Jason's house this afternoon to celebrate Jason's birthday.  It was a beautiful day for the kiddos to play and to celebrate!
I would say AJ enjoyed the ice cream cake with blue frosting!

Chloe finally got to meet Uncle Wuey!

Swinging on the swingset

Being shy 

Loving the swing!
On the glider with Cioci Kimmy and Maddie

Then he switched over to the rope climb...

Almost there... 

And he made it!  I was so proud of him!!

Towel Selfies and Blue Lips

Our little Chloe has been getting blue lips every now and again.  I haven't paid too much attention to it because it's that time of year where it's not super hot out, but not quite warm enough either so I'm attributing it the crazy temperatures.  I've been keeping an eye on it, but I'm pretty sure it's just going to pass.  Here's our little girl in her own towel selfie with a little bit of blue lips!

Friday, May 30, 2014

New Hair

Momma got some new hair today...  I got thicker bangs cut and touch-up on my highlight!  I feel glamorous!

Animal Playtime

Trying to eat her owl and giraffe toys

Fun with owl!
Porter felt left out so he tried to join in...

Chloe didn't mind her furry friend!

And next up was Timber's turn..
'Mom, he's really big!'

Smooches from her big furry friend!

Red Cheeks

Someone isn't feeling 100% today - look at those red cheeks.  I'll enjoy the snuggles while I can.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa

I am very lucky to have wonderful parents and in-laws who watch the kiddos for me when I have to go to work.  It's such a relief to know both of my children are in good hands when Mommy can't be there.  And today I got to see some pictures that Grandma took of the kiddos while I was away...

Puzzles and learning shapes

Posing for Grandma

Grandma says she doesn't get any good pictures - I think she lies - look how cute AJ is here! 

Grandma must have been funny!

I love this one - just hanging out on his big boy bed! 

This look just shouts 'are we done yet?!'

The eyes!

Someone looks a little startled!

There's my baby girl's smile!

Exersaucer fun!

These kiddos are quite lucky!!  Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the insight into the kiddos day!

Bath and Changing Table Fun

All smiles for bath time.


I love the little tuft of hair that sticks up straight on the top of her head.

Smiley girl getting changed.

And I looked behind me and this is what I saw...

Getting ready to....


So fun!

My silly boy catching some air in the crib!  Crazy kiddo!