Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seven Months

We've passed the half-way point - Chloe is now closer to being one year old than being my newborn baby girl!  As sad as it makes me to not have a newborn anymore - I am so thrilled to see her learning new things and growing bigger and bigger every day.  Her and her big brother just adore each other.  AJ gives Chloe a kiss and hug every night before bed and she always get a huge smile on her face (unless Mr. AJ goes in a little too hard for the kiss - than there are some tears!).  Just the sight of her big brother during the day makes her face light up.  She still isn't fully allowed to play with all (or any, really!) of AJ's toys just yet, but I'm sure soon enough AJ will learn that sharing is caring with his little sister.  Miss Chloe is thisclose to sitting up all on her own and not needing the boppy pillow behind her for when she loses her balance.  Still no teeth, but I think I see a little white bud trying to make it's way through so I'm sure the next few weeks will be fun! haha  We have a champion on our hands when it comes to tummy time and pushing herself up to look around.  We still have some time before an army crawl happens, but she kicks those legs and reaches for toys like it's her job!  She's mastered the roll from her belly to her back and her back to her belly.  I've noticed a few times on the infant monitor that she will be belly sleeping, but she mostly is a side sleeper.  After nursing her I'll put her in the crib and she'll put those two fingers in her mouth from her left hand, roll to her side (either one works for her!) and pass out.  She sometimes is a back sleeper too and when she does, she has both of her arms up in the 'hands up' position.  It's quite adorable - I'll have to try and get a picture.  Chloe's personality is really starting to blossom and she has definitely found her smile.  She is just like her brother in that her entire face lights up when she smiles - the eyes sparkle and my heart melts!  She also is now a fan of Dziadzi!!  (<------- Huge milestone!!  Dziadzi was absolutely crushed when she would cry and cry every time he would hold her.)  The witching hour is now maybe down to a half-hour instead of a full hour and it's usually when she is expecting Mommy to be coming home from work.  Her baby giggles are one fo the best sounds in the world.  If you repeatedly kiss her on the lower part of her cheek - almost at her neck - she will break out in full baby laughs.  If I'm having a bad day, I will do it and all the bad stuff just slips away.

Little Miss Chloe Kathleen is getting to be a big girl!  Happy seven months Chlo-Chlo!  (Maddie's nickname for our little girl)

Happy girl!


There goes the fingers in the mouth!

Starting a little early with ripping off the sticker.  AJ didn't try to take it off until around 9/10 months!


Look at that smile.. just beautiful!






I love her hair - it's so spiky and just adorable!

Still not wanting the sticker on! Little stinker!

A break from smiling for Mommy...kisses from Big Bro.

Uh oh.. you caught me!


Melts my heart/




Those eyes.

Giggles and those sparkly eyes!

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