Saturday, December 14, 2013


I was supposed to go out to a lottery club lunch with my co-workers this afternoon at Sharp Hill Vineyard for a wine tasting and lunch, but mother nature was not on my side.  It was snowing.  And I would have had to bring Chloe with me since she is nursing.  And I just wasn't willing to take that chance.  So instead of an afternoon out, I had a snow day in with my kiddos.

We've had this Christmas Play-doh set for a couple of years now and I've been super hesitant to let AJ play with it because I know how messy it can get.  But with the snow falling and not much else to do, I decided the mess didn't matter anymore.  So I broke out the play-doh kit and let AJ go to town with it!  He had a ball and absolutely loved it!

He had to try out all the colors and different design panels

Christmas tree!

Making lots of designs and decorations 

His final line-up of designs!

And while AJ was playing with his play-doh and eating lunch, I decided to take some pictures of Miss Chloe!

Chloe's grumpy face because we were stuck inside!
I see you Momma!

Both looking at the Christmas tree lights.
Something must have been funny!

On to tummy time..

Timber wanted to get in the shot too...

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