Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tummy Time and Snow!

I have been promising Mr. AJ that I would take him outside to play in the snow for awhile now, but the timing with Chloe's naps hasn't been right.  Until today...  I made sure to tire her out while on tummy time this morning, then put her in the swing for a little snooze and out AJ and I went into the snow!  And as much as I can't stand the snow (because I don't like the cold), seeing AJ's excitement about playing in it made all my frustrations about snow and cold go away! Oh to be a kid again and get excited about snow!!

She loves to roll onto her side

Tummy time!

Kisses before nap time

AJ all bundled up and ready to face the cold!

He was in his glory out in the snow!

He tried to make a snowball, but unfortunately it wasn't snowball making snow!

Hanging out

Love this picture!

He wanted to show me his house

Nice and cozy inside!

Then it was off to the slide

Getting ready to go down..

...almost there...


'Hi Mom!'

AJ really wanted to make a snowman, but like I had mentioned it wasn't
 good snow for packing at all.  Instead we improvised and made a snow angel!

AJ's first snow angel!

It looks good if I do say so myself!

We then went inside to check on Chloe and let Timber out...

AJ, of course, had to chase after Timber!



Timber then tried to lick AJ

Next AJ's adventure led him to the garden.  The poor kid kept slipping on the plastic underneath the snow and kept falling down...luckily he had enough padding on him that he didn't sustain any injuries!

And down he went again!

Next he had to check out the snow in the buckets.


'This is fun!'

I looked down and saw this little opening in the snow and tried to capture some snowflake patterns..

Next we visited the fishies in the little pond.

AJ loved watching them swim around.

And then it was time to lift rocks.

And more rocks.

All done!

Pointing out something to me..

Mr. Serious

Making his own path in the snow!

We went to check on Chloe again and she was still sound asleep so back outside we went. 
This time AJ wanted to move pieces of snow/ice onto the driveway.


My happy little guy.

Laying in the snow is fun, right?!

So silly!

We finally went inside and stayed inside where Little Miss Chloe was still sound asleep!

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