Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandma's

For the past few years since I've met Michael, we have always spent our Christmas Eve at his mother's friend's (JoAnn) house in Oxford, MA.  Unfortunately, JoAnn's situation has changed over the past year and she will no longer be hosting Christmas Eve, which is a complete bummer!  However, I think we might have created a new tradition of spending Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandma's house!!  The kids and I made our way up to their house and met Michael after her got out of work.  We enjoyed our usual Christmas dinner of Chinese food and then opened all of our presents.  Miss Chloe was a tad bit fussy so it made it hard to play our guessing game this year, but alas I still won! YES!!  Grandma and Grandma always shower us and the kiddos with lots of gifts - we are quite lucky!!  Michael scored his big gun safe, I got the double BOB stroller and the kids got lots of awesome clothes, books and other fun items!  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa - we can't wait to do it again next year!

Michael opening up one of his gifts.

AJ loved his new frog ornament!

However he loved this play rifle even more!

Chloe wasn't all that amused by what was going on. 

A boy and his toy!

So excited!

Grandma and Grandpa with the kiddos

Kisses for Grandma

Grandpa was singing to try and calm Chloe down

Grandma was too.


Look at all those stockings!

Our polka dot girl!


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