Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cousin Time

Cioci Kimmy and the girls came over to the house this morning for a playdate with Marisa and Riley.  Amidst all the craziness and fun the kiddos were having, we forgot to take pictures!  Bummer!!  But while I went to work for a few hours after the playdate, Cioci Kimmy watched AJ and Chloe for me and took some cousin photos.  Yay - thanks Cioci Kimmy!

AJ absolutely adores Katie so this picture of her reading to him is priceless.

Fun with the iPad in Momma''s bed!

While Maddie was sleeping, Chloe got some play time on the mat.

And then decided she was tired too and wanted to nap...

...on Cioci's shoulder!  

Cioci was loving the Chloe cuddles!

Cousin Allie wanted to snuggle too!

As did Katie!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sleep and a Tractor Ride

While Chloe was soundly sleeping in her carseat......

AJ was lucky enough to get a tractor ride after he watched the tree come down in Dziadzi's back yard!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Too Much Fun

Someone got a little tuckered out after fooling around with his new blue snake!

Blue Snake!

Ever since going to Dr. Long's office and being in the monkey room (which also has two long stuffed snakes in it), AJ has been obsessed with snakes.  He even had asked Santa for a blue snake!  Luckily, Santa listened and on Christmas morning AJ had a present sitting underneath the tree that was a blue snake!  Needless to say, the snake has been going everywhere around the house with him.. He loves it!

He can't get enough of his blue snake!

I See A Smile

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas at Baba and Dziadzi's

We went over to Baba and Dziadzi's to celebrate the Kocon side of Christmas this morning.  As usual, our hands were full with the kiddos (and lots and lots of presents!) and not that many pictures were taken.  Or only one picture was taken.  See below.  FAIL to me on not taking any pictures! :(  There's always next year, right?!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and an Announcement!

Our Christmas card this year was a picture from our photo session with Jerome back in November.  And we also sent out Chloe's birth announcement at the same time!

Christmas 2013

I think Mommy and Daddy were more excited to wake up in the morning to see what Santa brought the kiddos than AJ and Chloe were!  Santa definitely spoiled our two sweeties this year...he even brought AJ a train table!! Mommy wasn't able to take too many pictures this Christmas morning as I was holding Chloe for the majority of the gift opening, but the few snapshots we got shows enough of the love and happiness that we felt this Christmas morning!

Checking out the new train table...

I can't tell if he was angry or excited here..that face is kind of confusing!


There's that smile of his!!

Having Daddy help him with the new battery powered locomotive..

Santa knew he would like it!

Stop the papparazzi!

AJ finally got the blue snake he was asking Santa for!!

Timber isn't quite sure what to think of the new 'animal' in the house

Next it was Chloe's time for presents...

She looks thrilled about her new fleece outfit, right?! (Those eyes crack me up!)

AJ wanted to help open Chloe's presents too!

Chloe's new Ladybug night light

Our first Christmas as a family of four :)

Santa Came!

Look who stopped by early this morning!!



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Selfie's

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandma's

For the past few years since I've met Michael, we have always spent our Christmas Eve at his mother's friend's (JoAnn) house in Oxford, MA.  Unfortunately, JoAnn's situation has changed over the past year and she will no longer be hosting Christmas Eve, which is a complete bummer!  However, I think we might have created a new tradition of spending Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandma's house!!  The kids and I made our way up to their house and met Michael after her got out of work.  We enjoyed our usual Christmas dinner of Chinese food and then opened all of our presents.  Miss Chloe was a tad bit fussy so it made it hard to play our guessing game this year, but alas I still won! YES!!  Grandma and Grandma always shower us and the kiddos with lots of gifts - we are quite lucky!!  Michael scored his big gun safe, I got the double BOB stroller and the kids got lots of awesome clothes, books and other fun items!  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa - we can't wait to do it again next year!

Michael opening up one of his gifts.

AJ loved his new frog ornament!

However he loved this play rifle even more!

Chloe wasn't all that amused by what was going on. 

A boy and his toy!

So excited!

Grandma and Grandpa with the kiddos

Kisses for Grandma

Grandpa was singing to try and calm Chloe down

Grandma was too.


Look at all those stockings!

Our polka dot girl!