Saturday, August 31, 2013

Melannie's 6th Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Melannie's 6th birthday at Uncle Bob and Aunt Judi's lake.  Even though it was a bit gloomy out, we all had lots of fun with our cousins and a great time on the water.

Daddy was so excited to take AJ out on the paddle boat!

My two boys taking in the sights of the lake.

It might have been a bit lopsided... AJ weighs just a bit less than Daddy! ;)

Next up was Allie and Katie's turn along with AJ and Daddy!

Coming back in from a fun ride!

Daddy sure had his work cut out for him... his poor legs were hurting after these two rides!

Then it was time to play in the sand with Baba.


Maddie looking oh-so-cute and hamming it up for the camera!

Melannie and Katie went for a ride with Uncle Bob and Dziadzi in the paddle boat.

While Kaleigh had fun on the rope swing!


AJ played in the sand...

Allie tried on some goggles.

Then they went into the water.

And came back out...

...Then went back in...

..And came back out...

Then went back in...

And then came out.. you get the idea!

Daddy ventured out onto the lake in a kayak and tested it out before he took his little guy...

AJ looks a bit unsure of this adventure he is going on with Daddy...

But he decided he would go anyway!

The girls had fun while AJ was out for a kayak ride.

Love those smiling faces!

And back they came.

Looks like AJ was quite comfortable on Daddy... we were actually surprised he didn't fall asleep out there!

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