Saturday, August 31, 2013

33 Weeks

Edema is starting to pick up again this week and I think I officially can't wear my anniversary band anymore.  My engagement ring and wedding band are still holding strong though.. yay!  LS2 is still very active in that belly of mine and he/she for the first time made me jump up.  I'm not exactly sure what the heck he/she did (we'll call it a kick), but the kick was so hard it made me screech from the pain and I jumped right out of my chair.  Luckily it only happened once.... and I'm hoping it doesn't happen again!  It was not fun at all!

Unfortunately, since Cioci Kimmy's kiddos started school this week and they're settling into a new schedule - I wasn't able to get a new picture so my 32 week is also my 33 week picture.  [And a little secret... the 32 week picture was actually taken on my 33 week date - so technically I don't have a 32 week picture... but shhh!!]  Either way.. the belly is still documented!




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