Saturday, August 24, 2013

32 Weeks

Had my doctor's appointment and ultrasound this week.  LS2's growth is looking good and he/she is a little bit bigger than normal - measuring in around 4lbs 7oz right now - but nothing to worry about.  Phew! But on the otherhand, we found out LS2 is in the breech position...Ahhh!!  The mid-wife is not concerned at all and told us we still have plenty of time for him/her to go head down, but of course I'm in a little bit of freak-out mode - I don't want a C-Section!!  So I did what any other mother would do... I sat down, rubbed my belly and had a nice talk with LS2.  I told him/her that Mommy would greatly appreciate it if he/she could make his/her way down in the proper position.  LS2 gave a few kicks and that was that.  We'll see if he/she actually listens when I go for my next appointment!

In other news, his/her heartbeat was around 133 beats per minute and my blood pressure is looking great! Yay!

Our sweet little bundle of joy's face




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