Saturday, August 10, 2013

30 Weeks

I had my 30 week appointment yesterday and Dr. Hendsch said everything is looking a-ok.  I did end up measuring a little bit big (I have a hunch that she didn't measure me correctly - it felt different this time around) and so I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 21st of this month to see what's going on.  She isn't concerned at all about it and said it's either that I have extra amniotic fluid or the baby is just measuring big this time around.  Basically whatever they find during the ultrasound - it shouldn't change anything. Phew!! [And let's hope the ultrasound tech remembers that we don't want to know the gender of LS2 - it has to be a surprise baby!!]  In other news, LS2's heartbeat was in the 130s at this appointment which is a bit lower than the usual 150s.  I think it's because Dr. Hendsch actually listened in with the doppler for more than the standard 10 seconds all the other Docs and mid-wives do so she got a more accurate reading!  The doc was also super pleased with my blood pressure at this appointment.  All in all - LS2 and Mommy are looking great!




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