Saturday, July 20, 2013

27 Weeks

This past week has been one of muscle soreness.  I went on two 2-mile walks this week and then had a bit of a scare when AJ disappeared to the front of the house while I was watering the garden so I had to go running to find him and needless to say, my lower abdomen has been letting me know I need to take it easy.  The discomfort/soreness I've been feeling has me a little concerned even though LS2 is still super active so I decided to switch my monthly doctor's appointment to yesterday versus waiting until after weekend and going on Monday.  Luckily, the midwife told me what I'm feeling is absolutely normal and that I need to take it easy.  She suggested I take a prenatal yoga class, but I'm not so sure I'll take her up on that offer.  (I tried yoga once when I was in college and very much disliked it - it's way too slow-paced for me, even though I know that's the whole point of it!!)

In other news, while trying to find the heartbeat of LS2 the midwife had a hard time.  After feeling a few kicks from the outside and determining where his/her feet were, she was able to locate the heartbeat on the opposite side of my belly and we heard that awesome sound on the doppler.  There's really nothing better than listening to a baby's heartbeat and feeling him/her kick while pregnant!  The midwife expressed her views of how LS2 has to be a boy because only boys give her that much trouble while trying to find the heartbeat, but I'm not so sure about that!!  My intuition is telling me it's a girl and I've been referring to LS2 as a 'she'... but only time will tell!!




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