Thursday, July 4, 2013

AJ's Second Birthday

We celebrated AJ's 2nd birthday with a Little Einsteins themed party today and were surrounded by family and friends!  Even though it was super humid out, we all had a good time and didn't melt!  Maybe one of these years we will get lucky and there will be 0% humidity!

AJ's birthday morning started out with a Little Einsteins Ride-On!

Once everyone arrived, the kiddos all wanted to go in the pool...

AJ decided he wanted to have fun with the hose instead of playing in his new pool with a slide!

Still having fun with the hose!

Our handsome two year old!

The finished cake, yet again!

'All for me?!'

He snuck a little bit of the frosting from his name.. he was quite proud of himself!

This was right as we were singing to him... he wasn't sure what the think....

He almost started to cry too... poor thing! :(  No tears for the birthday boy!

Time to blow out the candles!

We did it!

The sheet cake that fed everyone and then some!

Happy now that he has a belly full of cake!

'Stop with the camera, Mom!'

And the Little Einsteins presents continued on...

Excited about his presents!

Card time!

Katie showing AJ how to use his new camera.

And then the big present from Baba and Dziadzi... ROCKET!

He was so excited about it!

So we just kept looking at it and playing with it...

The amazing and thoughtful blanket that Baba made for AJ... he loves it!!

Little Einsteins laptop! 

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