Thursday, July 4, 2013

24 months - TWO YEARS OLD!!

It's been 731 days since our little Alexander James has entered this world and we cannot imagine a moment without him.  Life without a child seems like a lifetime ago.  We keep asking each other where the past two years went because we still see our sweet AJ as a little boy... not the big, independent toddler that he is!  His vocabulary has been growing by leaps and bounds and he pretty much knows and can recognize all of the letters of the alphabet.  He is starting to put words together and says 'I fall down' and on our walk the other day he said 'I hear dogs'.  AJ is also starting to sing along with all of his Disney show theme songs, especially Jake and the Neverland Pirates....'Jake and meeee!!'.  And he now will pat along with the Little Einsteins when they need help getting Rocket going.  He loves asking for a 'snack' and saying 'oh-oh-oh-kay', which is so adorable!  He still loves being outdoors and playing in his cozy coupe and drawing with sidewalk chalk on the driveway.  His favorite thing for Mommy to draw is a face, which he will then try to color in.  He is a big fan of Cioci Kimmy's new pool, even if the water is a little chilly for him.  He is very lovey-dovey and enjoys giving hugs and now gives lots of kisses.  He even does the 'mwah' sound after giving a kiss.. so cute!  We have kind-of/sort-of started potty training...  If he asks to sit on the potty, we will put him on it, but we're not forcing the issuing.  He will ask for the iPad while sitting on the potty though... he needs his reading/playing material!  He has gone tinkle on the potty once within the last month, but two days after his 2nd birthday he went pee-pee AND poopy on the potty!!  We were sooo proud of him - I'm pretty sure I called everyone I knew to tell them the exciting news!  He even got rewarded with five m &m's!! He's definitely a momma's boy to the max so I'm a little worried about the transition with LS2, but I know he will eventually adjust.  I've been trying to explain to AJ that he's going to be a big brother soon - I'm not sure that he gets it, but he does know where the baby is and he will kiss my belly before bedtime and say 'nighhtt' to the baby.  We are so excited for him to become a big brother because we know he will embrace the role and give so much love to his little brother or sister.

As for his stats on his second birthday, Alexander James is 25lbs 8oz, 34.5 inches tall and his head circumference is 48cm.  He's a peanut in terms of short sizes - he's wearing 12-18 month size shorts because he has an itty bitty waist, but for shirts he fits into 24 months or 2T.  Either way, Dr. Long said our little boy is just perfect!

To our sweet Alexander James: There's only three words that can truly sum up how we feel about you - we love you!  You have been such a blessing in our lives and have totally changed them for the better.  You are such a handsome, intelligent and spunky little boy - don't ever change!




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