Saturday, August 4, 2012

13 months!

Our little guy is 13 months old already!!  This was a big month for AJ as he finally learned to walk - all the falls, bumps and bruises were worth it!!  I love watching him walk all around the house - he is just too cute as he 'waddles' and figures out his balance...  And now that he can walk he is getting into everything!  He loves to open up the cabinets underneath the bathroom and kitchen sinks and he has learned where the lids drawer is and loves to take them out and carry them all around the house.  He is starting to 'talk' a little bit more with his two favorite words being 'whoa' and 'wow'!  He is starting to show a bit more interest in books even though he refuses to sit still for his bedtime stories from Daddy.  And he got his first hair cut!  AJ no longer looks like a baby - he looks like a little boy and all prim and proper!

I know I say this almost every month, but it is amazing to see how far he has come in just a little bit over a year.  From being a teensy tiny newborn who couldn't even hold his neck/head up to walking all over the place and exploring all that the world has to offer - our little guy amazes us.  We love you so much Alexander James - you are our world, pumpkin!

[Disclaimer: These pics were taken two days after his 13 month birthday...oops!]

My little guy found a stick.. shocker!

Playing with his new stick

'I guess I'll glance up for a picture'

Checking out the grass

He's always so serious 

'Oh.. hi Momma!'

'Ooooh.. what's over there?!'

'I found my stick again!'

Having fun!

He does the silliest things!

Looking down at who knows what!

I love this face!

Again.. he's so darn serious all the time!

Oh there's his smile!


I love this picture - it's like he's thinking and about ready to say something all at the same time!

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