Saturday, February 4, 2012

Seven Months!

Another month has gone by and our little boy is getting bigger and stronger each day! This past month was a big one for him as he is now closer to being a one year old than a newborn (which makes me so sad!)  AJ tried some new foods this month including a sampling of whipped cream and strawberry sauce from a delicious cake we had (thanks Dziadzi!), yogurt which is now one of his favorite foods and also nilla wafers.  He also made the move from the bassinet to his big boy crib and it was such an easy transition!  And he's moved up in the world from size 2 diapers to size 3!  His two bottom teethies continue to get bigger every day and we are still enjoying his gummy smile with no teeth on top yet.  AJ sits up like a champ and enjoys playing with all of his toys.  He hasn't really made any moves towards crawling yet, which is fine by us as we enjoy him in his non-mobile state! (Baby-proofing the house is right around the corner... we can tell!! haha)  AJ loves his nightly bedtime stories and is starting to give little hugs in the morning when we wake him up.  We all seem to have settled into a routine with my new work schedule even though I miss AJ terribly when I'm at work.  We are super lucky though to have family watch him and not have to put him in daycare - you know who you are - thank you from the bottom of our heart for helping us out!!

Both Michael and I are in awe of the changes we see in AJ each day.  There's not a day that goes by that that we don't notice something different with him.  He is the best thing in our lives..hands down!!

As usual we had a photo session to document his 7 month birthday... well, the little one has figured out the whole sticker on his onesie thing.  As you scroll down, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about... I can tell the next few photo sessions are going to be super fun trying to get him to keep the sticker on!!

His monthly photo - although he looks a little bit scared!

There we go... there's a smile!

An even better smile!

My handsome little man with his two teethies!

'Oh look.. it says 7 now!'

This is where he starts to play with it....

He's discovered his feet

I'm not gonna make this easy for Momma....let me lift this up...

Playing Momma a tune

He's starting to look a little mischievious...

"What?! I'm not doing anything!"

There's that smile!

Back to playing some tunes while checking out my foot

'Oh look... it's a sticker'

'I might be able to get this off'

'I'm trying really hard to get this off of me!' Silly AJ!

Now he just decided to pick up both sides of the blanket...

Hi Momma!

Yummy blanket

I love love love this picture of AJ

These next few photo sessions are going to be super fun based on this one!!

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