Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Every Halloween for the past three or four years, my family has been going to my sister Kimmy's house to go trick-or-treating.  This year was no different.  We all dressed up - Michael was Beer Man, I was a Beer Maiden and our little guy was an adorable bat - and we made our way to Colchester.  Once we arrived there, we met the Bride of Frankenstein (Babcia), Frankenstein (Dziadzi), the evil queen from Snow White (Cioci Kimmy), a Spider Witch (Katie) and Princess Kitty (Allie)..... Uncle Jason isn't fun and doesn't partake in the dressing up part of Halloween! Boo!  We then head out to go trick-or-treating but AJ, Daddy and I only made it to one house since it was a little cold out because of the winter storm we just had.  Oh, and AJ decided to spit up on Mommy the minute we got to the first house!  That's ok though - we just went back to Cioci's house, grabbed a bite to eat and hung out!

The Bride of Frankenstein with her Grandson

Frankenstein and Princess Kitty

Princess Kitty excited about trick-or-treating

Beer Maiden, our little bat and Beer Man

Dziadzi and Babcia

Finally got a picture of AJ and the snow!


Our cousins Marc, Jen, Kaleigh and Melannie showed up too!

Cioci and her girls

AJ's Halloween present from Babcia and Dziadzi

Cuddle time with Momma

His first Halloween

Quality time with the Dziadster

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