Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Three Months!

Can you believe that three months have already gone by?! Our little boy is 1/4 of a year old already! Holy cow!!  We met with Dr. Long today to make sure that AJ is on track with his weight and development and he ensured us that AJ is absolutely perfect! He weighed in at 9lbs 13oz and Dr. Long suggested we start feeding him rice cereal mixed with breastmilk.  [I plan on feeding that to him later tonight once Daddy gets home and sets up the highchair - pictures to follow!]

This past month has been a very busy month for AJ!  He met his Great Uncle Steve and Aunt Kathy for the first time, he attended both of his cousins birthday parties, Mommy and Daddy left him with Babcia and Dziadzi for the first time to celebrate their anniversary and we heard him laugh for the first time!  AJ continues to improve with eye contact and I believe he can see a lot further now so he is very interested in looking around at all of his surroundings.  He also is able to lift his head 90 degrees now on tummy time.  Oh, I almost forgot, AJ sat in his Bumbo chair for the first time this month as well!  Our little boy is growing up so fast... make it stop!

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