Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two Month Shots

AJ had his 2 month doctor's appointment today.  I won't go into the details just yet (those will be posted with his two month entry), but he had three shots today and was a complete trooper!  He cried for a little bit, but once the nurse finished poking him, I picked him up and gave him a great big hug and he was ok!  My little guy rocks!!

[In these pics, you can see one of the band-aids on the side of AJ because I wasn't thinking and took one off before capturing a quick photo. Silly mommy!!]

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Visit with Auntie Carrie and Lilly

Auntie Carrie and Lilly came to visit AJ and me today.  It was so nice to have some visitors!  

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Wrath of Tropical Storm Irene

The weathermen had told us to prepare for a hurricane of the likes of Gloria back in 1985.  (And I actually remember Hurricane Gloria even though I was only 3 years old!)  Michael had filled up the bathtub with water so we could flush our toilets, we had plenty of non-perishable food items, we had two coolers filled with ice for when the power went out, we had flashlights galore and three cases of water to keep us hydrated!  We were uber prepared for this bad boy (or should I say girl?!)!  And then it was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it hit us.  It still ended up doing a lot of damage because of the winds we experienced - we had a near-miss of a branch hitting our garage from our neighbor's tree - and we had no power for 6 - yes, 6! - days.  But we all survived, even with a 9 week old!!

[Disclaimer: These pictures were taken the day after the storm and our neighbor's had already cut up the branch that almost hit our garage and cleaned up the damage.]

There were leaves EVERYWHERE!

You can see where the branch fell down and hit the pine tree, which is leaning towards the garage. 

The branch that came down fell from where the sun spot is on this picture.

All of the branches and our poor fence

Our poor, poor fence took the brunt of the branch

A different angle from my neighbor's yard

The pine tree that is now leaning towards our garage

A pretty hydrangea that appeared after the storm

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fun on the Activity Mat

AJ has been having lots of fun on his activity mat these past few weeks.  It's also the place where he has learned to roll over! Go AJ!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud!  :)

 Having fun while my big brother licks me!

 Look at me... I'm getting ready to roll over... I go...

 ...almost there...

 ...just a little bit more...

 ...this is hard work...

...I made it!!...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

AJ's Baptism

Today our family and friends all gathered at St. Mary Church to witness AJ's Baptism.  Kimberly and Jason are his God-parents and the baptism was performed by Father Tito, who also presided over our wedding ceremony.  As usual, he provided some entertainment for us... at our wedding, it was about a man marrying a horse and today it was him answering his cell phone during AJ's baptism.  We think he answered it due to him being on-call for the hospital, but we still all sat there in disbelief as he stepped aside to answer his cell phone during the service.  But either way, at the end of the day, AJ was baptized and he has the best God-parents!  :)

Father Tito putting the special oil on AJ

Daddy giving his little boy a kiss 

AJ with his God-parents getting baptized 

 Katie loves her cousin so much... she just loves to give him kisses!

 Mommy putting on the special baptismal garment

 I wasn't lying when I said Father Tito answered his cell phone!

 Allie loves her cousin too!

 Father Tito handing us AJ's baptismal candle

 AJ with his parents and Godparents, Cioci Kimmy and Uncle Jason

 AJ with his favorite Cioci and Uncle

 AJ with his Babcia and Dziadzi

 Family photo!

 AJ with his Grandma and Grandpa

 Mommy and her favorite little man! 

 AJ with Auntie Lauren, who took all the pics posted here!

 The awesome and yummy cake Cioci Kimmy and Auntie Carrie made

 We even had a surprise visit from Sarah and Steve all the way from MA!

 My reaction to AJ's Fenway Brick.... boo!!!

Cioci Kimmy entertaining Melannie and Allie-Cat

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Many Faces of AJ

AJ sure has a lot of different facial expressions, but it's so hard for me to capture them with my camera.  Like I've mentioned before, he seems to take after his Daddy and hate the camera!  Today though, I was able to capture just a few of the different expressions, although I have yet to capture his adorable smile.  Hopefully soon though....

'Look at what's down there Momma!'

My 'just hanging out' look

'You have that silly camera out again!'

'Ooh... I'm gonna make my bird face for you'

'Momma, I told you I didn't want any more pictures taken!'

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stronger Every Day

As I mentioned in AJ's one month post, he is a champ at tummy time and lifting his head.  I was able to capture a couple of pics of him hanging out on my boppy pillow, which counts as his modified tummy time.  You can also see that AJ is starting to lose his hair on the top of his head... he's only one month old and he's already balding!!

Look at how strong I am!

Time to rest my neck and eat my hand!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

AJ's First Date

So even though my little man is only a month old, he's already been on his first date! With who, you ask? None other than my friend Meagan's daughter, Lili.  Lili is about a month older than AJ - she was born on June 12th - and is a cutie patootie!  They enjoyed a quiet evening in the rainforest and had dinner which consisted of munching on each other's hands.  Don't worry ladies and gentlemen, they were supervised! haha  Both Mommy and Meagan were there supervising to make sure they didn't go past first base!  ;)  Just kidding!

'Hey, I think you're kinda cute Lili'

Gazing together at the rainforest lights

'Mmmm... your hand tastes yummy!'

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One Month

My little man is one month old today - I can hardly believe it!  This past month has been the most amazing month of my life.  Nothing can prepare you for motherhood and the love that you'll feel towards your little one, but I must say - it is simply the best feeling in the world to be a mommy!

AJ has definitely been giving his mommy and daddy a run for their money in the weight department!  He just so happens to have a super fast metabolism and mommy's milk is having a hard time keeping up!  But at the same time, he has grown 3.5 inches.  He is a hiccuping machine and he has the cutest sneezes.  AJ has also started to snort at me when he can't get the milk fast enough or if he loses the latch and he can't get back on - he sounds so adorable!! We've had plenty of accidents with AJ peeing on Mommy, Daddy and unfortunately, himself too! [That's what we get for not having any experience with boys in our family!]  He is exactly like his father and doesn't like the camera and will poop and pee on the backdrops to let us know how he really feels about being the star of a photoshoot.  And he is making so much progress during tummy time - he continues to get stronger each day and lift his head a little bit higher every time.

This past month has been full of lots of love, snuggles, cuddles and sleepless nights and we can't wait to see what the next months will bring.  We love you AJ!