Thursday, August 4, 2011

One Month

My little man is one month old today - I can hardly believe it!  This past month has been the most amazing month of my life.  Nothing can prepare you for motherhood and the love that you'll feel towards your little one, but I must say - it is simply the best feeling in the world to be a mommy!

AJ has definitely been giving his mommy and daddy a run for their money in the weight department!  He just so happens to have a super fast metabolism and mommy's milk is having a hard time keeping up!  But at the same time, he has grown 3.5 inches.  He is a hiccuping machine and he has the cutest sneezes.  AJ has also started to snort at me when he can't get the milk fast enough or if he loses the latch and he can't get back on - he sounds so adorable!! We've had plenty of accidents with AJ peeing on Mommy, Daddy and unfortunately, himself too! [That's what we get for not having any experience with boys in our family!]  He is exactly like his father and doesn't like the camera and will poop and pee on the backdrops to let us know how he really feels about being the star of a photoshoot.  And he is making so much progress during tummy time - he continues to get stronger each day and lift his head a little bit higher every time.

This past month has been full of lots of love, snuggles, cuddles and sleepless nights and we can't wait to see what the next months will bring.  We love you AJ! 

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