Monday, August 29, 2011

The Wrath of Tropical Storm Irene

The weathermen had told us to prepare for a hurricane of the likes of Gloria back in 1985.  (And I actually remember Hurricane Gloria even though I was only 3 years old!)  Michael had filled up the bathtub with water so we could flush our toilets, we had plenty of non-perishable food items, we had two coolers filled with ice for when the power went out, we had flashlights galore and three cases of water to keep us hydrated!  We were uber prepared for this bad boy (or should I say girl?!)!  And then it was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it hit us.  It still ended up doing a lot of damage because of the winds we experienced - we had a near-miss of a branch hitting our garage from our neighbor's tree - and we had no power for 6 - yes, 6! - days.  But we all survived, even with a 9 week old!!

[Disclaimer: These pictures were taken the day after the storm and our neighbor's had already cut up the branch that almost hit our garage and cleaned up the damage.]

There were leaves EVERYWHERE!

You can see where the branch fell down and hit the pine tree, which is leaning towards the garage. 

The branch that came down fell from where the sun spot is on this picture.

All of the branches and our poor fence

Our poor, poor fence took the brunt of the branch

A different angle from my neighbor's yard

The pine tree that is now leaning towards our garage

A pretty hydrangea that appeared after the storm

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